VR and Immersive

Working with a range of partners we are developing and delivering immersive and VR (Virtual Reality) therapies and experiences to a wide audience from our premises and at selected outreach venues. Our aim is to ensure that individuals and groups living in Northamptonshire and surrounding areas, who are experiencing mental health or wellbeing concerns have access to appropriate and sufficient treatments that have long-term benefits.

Virtual Reality Therapies

Using a specially designed headset, virtual reality, provides the user with a three-dimensional environment where users feel immersed in this virtual environment which reacts to the movements of the user. which VR is increasingly being used in many areas of healthcare including therapy, treatments, wellbeing, rehabilitation, and counselling and also has the potential to assist in training, evaluation, delivery, and supervision of psychotherapy skills offering a safe and controlled environment without any risk of harm.

The healthcare sector has become one of the biggest adopters of virtual reality which includes benefits for users including interventions for:

  • PTSD 
  • phobias
  • pain management
  • general wellbeing,
  • relaxation
  • meditation
  • mindfulness
  • rehabilitation

Pink Rooster is currently working with VR content developers, healthcare professionals, researchers, therapists and practitioners to bring users the most up to date interventions and experiences to help improve health and wellbeing.

VR in Pain Management

Virtual reality pain management and reduction is another area where VR can reduce the patient’s reliance on painkillers and help with faster recovery.  VR becomes the coping mechanism of the patient’s brain who is suffering from painful sensations and helps them to overcome them. 

Treatments in Mental Health

VR is also used to treat mental health conditions including anxiety and panic attacks by providing innovative ways to maintain calmness and relaxation and has the unique ability to transport patients anywhere without physically being there in reality.



The flexibility of immersive and VR also means it can be adapted to help treat a range of mental health issues and other disorders including:

  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Social Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic Pain
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Global Development Delay
  • Major Head Trauma
  • Complex Regional Pain
  • ADHD / ASD

and more…

Immersive Domes

Using an immersive dome, Immersive and VR can allow us to provide graded exposure (musically and visually) of an immersive experience structured specifically for people with autism.

Immersive experiences can be adapted to the environment in which they are to be used and also can be installed as a permanent or semi-permanent installation used for a wide range of applications.


Pink Rooster is currently linking with UK universities and VR and Immersive providers worldwide to help research into the effects of VR and immersive on the health and wellbeing of a wide range of patients.

Care Plan

Following a referral, we will work with healthcare professionals, carers, GP’s, social prescribers, therapists etc to develop or compliment a patient’s existing care plan to ensure the most appropriate and best possible treatments.

Referrals & Self-referral


To start to access our services, you can either self-refer or be referred by people who are supporting you including your GP, Social Prescribing Service, Social Worker, Youth Worker, or anyone in your Health or Care Team.

No one should make a referral for you without your consent.  If you are under 16, consent may also be required from your parent or guardian.

Contact Us

To find out more about our VR and Immersive services or to discuss referrals, please email: info@pinkrooster.org  or  telephone: 01604 436 885


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